Webinar 5 - theology

The meaning of baptism in our time. Where are the resources for a contemporary baptismal theology?

Date: Thursday 20th May 13-15 (CET)


  • Anna-Karin Hammar, Rev. Dr., Church of Sweden, SE 
  • Harald Hegstad, Professor in Systematic Theology, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society, NO,
  • Niels Henrik Gregersen, Professor in Systematic Theology, University of Copenhagen, DK 
  • Pekka Metso, Associate Professor of Practical Theology, School of Theology, Philosophical Faculty, University of Eastern Finland

Chair: Jyri Komulainen


Introductory text

A traditional theology of baptism does not always make sense to people today. Ideas of salvation, eternal life, forgiveness of sins etc is often difficult to connect to daily life experiences. A promise of salvation for those who are baptized raises the question for the status of the non-baptized. Are there resources in a theology of creation that can be exploited for a more relevant baptismal theology? And how can the conversation with ecumenicalpartners be helpful, for example with Orthodox theologians?